Prince Charming is a Liar (Your Every Day Hero Book 1) Page 11
He cupped her chin and lifted her head until she met his eyes. Shadows were everywhere inside the car, but from the lights on the street, she could see the outline of his face. He was gorgeous. She’d always thought so. She probably always would.
“You know,” he said in a deep voice, “I don’t have beer breath this time.”
She chuckled, even though she didn’t want to. She couldn’t help it. He had always known how to make her smile or laugh when she was down…just as she knew how to lift his spirits, too.
“No, you don’t have beer breath. You have peppermint breath.”
“Isn’t that better than beer?”
“Tons better.”
“So…” He shrugged. “Should we try it again?”
Brittany didn’t need to ask what he meant. The direction of his gaze was on her mouth. Her heartbeat increased. She couldn’t count how many times she had wanted to kiss him, but she knew it would always be in her dreams. And yet, if she kissed Kurt now, would she be betraying Austin? She really did like him, too.
Oh, decisions, decisions…
When he leaned closer, she didn’t stop him. She closed her eyes as his lips caressed hers. At first, he hesitated, but when she remained still, he continued. Relaxing into his arms, she kissed him back with the same tenderness he showed to her.
The kiss was nice, and exciting, keeping her heart speeding faster by the second. This was something she’d wanted to do ever since she saw him. And yet, here they were, making out in a parked car, but the man on her mind was Austin. Why couldn’t she see Kurt’s face in her thoughts?
Slowly, but surely, the confusion in her head grew, making her head throb. She needed to end this with Kurt. At least until she could straighten out her thoughts.
She broke the kiss and pulled back. He continued to stare into her eyes as he stroked her face.
“Are you all right?” he asked.
“Yes. I…I just need more time to think about everything.”
He nodded and positioned himself behind the steering wheel. He started the car and drove it out of the parking lot. For the first few minutes they were silent, but then he cleared his throat.
“I’m not going to Isabelle’s Escort Service now. It’s probably too late, anyway. We’ll go tomorrow.”
“All right.”
“Nine o’clock in the morning?”
She nodded. “I’ll meet you at the station.”
As silence came between them once again, she watched the road and tried to get her thoughts in order. Because her feelings were conflicting with her thoughts, she wanted to scream in frustration. Why did she get this way around Kurt? And why now did he choose this time in her life to confess his love? If only he’d done that before she’d met Austin.
Now what was she going to do? For being a woman who was always in control, she felt as if she was on a spinning ride at the amusement park that had kicked into overdrive. There was only one thing she could do—go and see Austin tonight and finish telling him what she’d started at the park.
She only let Kurt kiss her briefly when he’d returned her to her car. From there she drove to Austin’s hotel and hurried up to the penthouse suite. Knocking on the door, she prayed he’d be home—and he’d be alone.
Austin answered the door wearing the same clothes he had on when they’d met at the park. His eyes widened, and he took her arm to pull her inside.
“What are you doing here?” he questioned. “Not that I’m disappointed, though. I’m just surprised.”
“I just had to see you tonight. I desperately need to finish our talk that we had earlier.”
“I would like that very much. I also, have something to share with you.” He motioned his hand to the sofa. “But you go first. By the determined look on your face, I assume it’s more important than what I have to say.”
She nodded and followed him to the sofa. They sat close by each other, which was good. She had always been a touchy-feely person, and she needed that contact with him—if only to help get rid of the confusion still lurking in the dark recesses of her mind.
Once she was comfortable, she took a deep breath of courage. “Austin, I’ve been hiding something from you since we met, and I can’t go another minute without confessing the truth.”
Worried lines appeared on his forehead and around his eyes.
She quickly continued. “You’re such an awesome person, and I feel you need to know what’s really going on with me. I don’t want to lie to you any longer, but when you hear my explanation, I hope you’ll soon forgive me.”
“What’s this all about, Brittany?”
She swallowed hard and then licked her dry lips. “Before I entered your suite that Tuesday afternoon, I was waiting for back up…so my partner could come in with me. You see, I was given the assignment to interview you, but I was in the middle of my father’s engagement luncheon, so I was rather dressed up for the occasion.” She swept a hand over her clothes. “This is what I usually wear when I’m fighting criminals. And this,” she reached into her purse and pulled out her badge and G42, “is usually what I wear in plain sight while I’m at work.”
Pausing, she studied his expression. Just as when she had chased after the purse-snatcher, Austin’s face was slowly losing color.
“My partner and I,” she quickly resumed, “were supposed to ask you questions in regards to the Hillary Banks’ case. But when my partner didn’t show up, and I heard the thumping noise in your suite, I had no other choice but to go inside to see what was happening. I announced myself, but you didn’t respond. Of course, that was when you came out of the bathroom and caught me.”
He nodded in hesitation. “Why did you lead me to think you were a call girl?”
“When I first saw you, I literally lost my breath.” She chuckled lightly. “You’d startled me, but it was more than that. I’ve never seen a more handsome man in my life, and well…I was at a loss for words, as you could tell. I was extremely embarrassed because of the dress I was wearing, and I realized you wouldn’t have believed I was a police detective if I had my gun pulled on you…wearing the red dress. That’s another reason why I decided to be someone else. At the time, though, I wasn’t sure who you thought I was.”
He wore a blank expression as he shook his head. “I’m sure you were quite surprised when I said the things I had.”
“You have no idea.” She laughed. “And when I left and met up with my partner later, he was the one who thought I should go undercover to finish collecting information from you. That’s why I came to your place yesterday.”
His jaw hardened, and the light in his green eyes disappeared. “You were wired when you were with me last night?”
“Yes, in a way. Our conversation was being recorded…well, up until we started arm wrestling. That’s when I decided to take out my earpiece.”
His gaze narrowed on her. “Why did you want to take it out?”
“Because I didn’t want Kurt in my ear any longer.”
“Who is Kurt?”
“Oh, he’s my partner. Kurt Hamill.”
Austin’s eyes widened as anger lines appeared around his mouth. She quickly continued, “Anyway, by the time I had taken my earpiece out, I’d decided you hadn’t murdered Hillary Banks.”
Austin’s eyebrows lifted. “Really? You thought that?”
“There’s no way a man with your heart and giving nature could be a killer. Besides, I was enjoying my evening with you, and I didn’t want my partner to suspect what I was feeling.”
“What were you feeling?”
She placed the badge and the glock inside her purse and zipped it up. “I was starting to really like you.” Hesitantly, she looked up and met his wide eyes. “You probably know that it’s against the rules for detectives to go out on a date with a suspect.”
Austin’s face relaxed, and a hint of a smile touched his mouth. “But you don’t think I’m a suspect, right?”
“Not anymore.”
you collect all the information you needed from me to make that decision?”
Sighing, she rested her hands on her lap. “Not, not exactly. I have one last question to ask.”
“What is it?”
“Where were you last Sunday morning between nine thirty and ten thirty?” She really didn’t have to ask, because she knew he was innocent. But she waited for him to answer, anyway. She wasn’t worried.
Finally recognition shone on his face and he smiled. “I was having a brunch with some of my board members. We were at the hotel in the restaurant. I’m sure your police department will be able to get surveillance footage from the security cameras.”
She shrugged one shoulder. “I’m sure they could if they want. I don’t need it. I knew you must be preparing for the big forty-eight hour meeting that you had which made you so exhausted that afternoon in your suite.”
He nodded. “You’re right. That was it.”
So far, this conversation was going the way she’d wanted. He’d acted upset at first, and she didn’t blame him, but now he was relaxing more, which made her heart lighten. Leaning toward him, she laid her hand on his chest. “Are you upset at me? I would understand if you were. But…it’s my job, and well, I’m just glad I got to know you so that I could take you off my suspects’ list.”
“I’ll admit that your confession shocked me, to say the least, but I suppose if I was in your shoes, I would have done the same.” He laughed lightly. “That explains why you were able to take down the purse-snatcher so quickly.”
She flipped her hand. “All in a day’s work.”
He took hold of her hand and placed it back on his chest. “I like it better right here.”
Brittany’s heart danced with excitement. “Me, too.”
“Can you tell me why the police think I’m a suspect?”
She nodded. “Hillary had a list of names of men written down in the pocket of her bathrobe. She was killed as soon as she left the bathroom that morning.”
He arched an eyebrow. “My name was on that list?”
“I don’t know. I was hoping you could answer that for me. We had figured she was a high-priced prostitute, or some wealthy man’s mistress, because she had many expensive items in her house, not to mention a large bank account. All the men on the list were wealthy or powerful.”
“I wish I could tell you, unless it’s because I gave her money. I don’t know. Maybe the other names on the list were men she had contacted for money after I had turned her down.”
“That does make sense. I’ll have to drop that suggestion to the other detectives.” She paused, looking deep into his eyes. The low lighting in the room made his eyes darker than they were normally, and all she wanted to do was stare into his dreamy green eyes. It made her happy that he hadn’t kicked her out of his suite, yet.
His gaze moved over her face, and then to her hair. He reached out and caressed the length of the ponytail.
“So, this is really how you look every day at work?” he asked.
“Yes, pretty much.”
“How often do you dress up like you had when we first met?”
“Not often.” She shook her head. “I’ve always been more of a tomboy because I grew up with three brothers.”
His focus moved down the length of her body this time. “You do look very good in those jeans.”
She laughed. “So do you.”
“I usually dress up a little more when I go to work.”
“Of course you do. It’s not like you have a black leather jacket in your closet. You are the CEO of your own company. I’m just a lowly police detective.”
“A police detective,” he said, stroking her hair again, “who doesn’t take crap from purse snatchers.”
He was quiet for a few more seconds as he looked her over, and then he tilted his head and met her gaze.
“I suppose I could get used to seeing you wearing this every day.”
“You could?” Her hopes grew as she scooted closer to him. “You seem like the kind of man who loves to been seen with the flashy women. I’m not like that. This is as flashy as I like to get.”
“Brittany,” his voice deepened as he brushed his lips across her cheek, “are you trying to convince me we shouldn’t go out?”
His warm breath on her neck sent shivers over her body, but instead of feeling cold, she was getting hotter by the second. “I…I just want you to know what you’re getting into if you decide to date me.”
“I’ll admit, it’ll be different. I’ve never gone out with a cop before.” His lips moved to her ear.
She closed her eyes as her heartbeat turned ragged. “I’ve never dated a CEO before.”
“I’ll give it a try,” he kissed her earlobe, “if you can give it a try.”
“Hmm…I might be able to do it. I think you’ll need to be a little more convincing, though.”
His body shook with what she supposed was a silent laugh, and the breath against her neck became hotter. His strong arms circled her body and pulled her up against his muscular frame. Oh…Heavens! This was so nice!
As his lips moved over her throat, she melted that much more. She couldn’t take this torture anymore. If he didn’t kiss her soon, she’d scream.
Finally, he lifted his head, but she took that opportunity to find his mouth with hers. The moment their mouths came together, electricity shot through her. If being tasered felt this good, she’d volunteer to be the precinct’s dummy next time…but only if Austin could assist her.
She pressed her hands against his chest. His heart was knocking as crazily as hers was. Happiness flowed through her knowing he was enjoying this just as much. Strange, but she hadn’t felt this kind of energy when she had kissed Kurt not too long ago.
As their kiss turned more passionate, she couldn’t keep her fingers still. They moved to the buttons on his shirt and starting at the top, and released each one until four were undone. She slid her palm inside to his bare skin. He sucked in a ragged breath without breaking the kiss. His muscles bunched in the places she caressed.
He must have wanted the same pleasure, because one of his hands moved to the collar on her shirt. It only took a moment for her to realize this could not happen. This was only their second date!
Breathless, she broke the kiss and leaned her forehead against his chest. “I think…we need to stop.”
His chest rattled with a low chuckle. “I agree. We are going too fast. After all, I’ve only known you as a cop for a few minutes.”
“Very true.” She tried to breathe slower as her mind returned. “So, Austin. You were going to tell me something, too?”
Confusion crossed his face, but then within seconds, he shook his head. “All I wanted to talk about was us.”
“Yes. Us…and where you think we are going.”
“Going? Do you mean tonight?” she asked.
He laughed. “No, I’m referring to our relationship—where is it going?”
“Oh.” She laid her head on the sofa’s cushion. As unbelievable as it sounded, she wanted a relationship with this wonderful man, even if a few days ago she tried to convince herself she didn’t have time for a man in her life.
“Let me get through this murder case first, and then I’ll be able to think clearly about our relationship.”
“All right.”
She stood and he held her hand as he walked her to the door.
“You know,” he said, “for our next date, I’d really like to see where you live.”
Laughing, she threw her arms around his neck and pressed her chest against his. “That’s the best idea yet. What are you doing tomorrow night?”
He wagged his eyebrows. “I’ll be with you.”
Kurt awoke in a good mood. He finally felt that Brittany was warming up to him. Austin was a difficult competitor, and if this was a race, the rich guy
would always win. But as long as Kurt kept reminding her that Austin was still a suspect, maybe—just maybe—she wouldn’t fall in love with the man, but with Kurt instead.
However, she definitely could not fall in love with Austin. Men like that deserved to spend the rest of their life in prison. Men like Austin believed themselves to be above the law. Men like Austin were one of the reasons Kurt became a policeman in the first place.
Kurt’s father wasn’t a great example of being an upright citizen in the community, either. When he divorced Kurt’s mother, his father married a wealthy woman, just for her money. That still didn’t make him want to pay child support. The few times Kurt had visited his father, it seemed like the new wife and her son walked around as if they owned the town. Kurt always kept an eye on his stepbrother. That kid was sneaky, especially in school. Kurt wondered if he was paying the teachers just to pass him to the next grade.
His stepbrother always seemed to get the girl, which didn’t surprise Kurt at all since all those girls saw were dollar signs. His stepbrother enjoyed flaunting his wealth—and women—in front of Kurt. In all those years, he kept reminding himself he was the better person. Once he turned eighteen, he was able to decide for himself whether or not he wanted to be part of his dad’s life. Kurt decided against it. He didn’t need that kind of influence in his life.
Only one good thing came out of knowing his father’s new family. It had instilled the determination inside Kurt to become a policeman and capture crafty criminals who thought they were above the law and throw them in the slammer.
Kurt waited impatiently for Brittany to arrive. Every two minutes, he kept checking the clock. She was never late, but if she didn’t walk in the door any second now, she would be breaking her record.
His conscience still nagged at him, reminding him that Brittany was his partner. He shouldn’t become romantically involved with his partner. There were too many horror stories of things like that happening on the force. Being attracted to one’s partner, made that police officer sloppy. They couldn’t think clearly, which of course, a good police detective needed in this line of work.
“Are you ready?”