Prince Charming is a Liar (Your Every Day Hero Book 1) Read online

Page 5

  After putting her box of memorabilia away, she started her bath, throwing soothing bath beads into the very warm water. She quickly shucked off her clothes and climbed inside. A deep sigh of satisfaction ripped through her. Closing her eyes, she sank lower and laid her head against the wall of the tub.

  The room was quiet; only the occasional splash from the water against the tub disturbed the silence. Her mind could relax and she wouldn’t have to worry about anything. So then, why wasn’t it happening that way? Instead, her mind raced from one idea to another. Every time Austin Reeder’s face appeared in her head, she quickly ushered it out, allowing another thought to enter. Yet, just like a yo-yo, Austin’s face always bounced back to taunt.

  She was going to have to meet him tomorrow, accidentally, according to Kurt. Shivers ran over her body, and she rubbed her arms. However, she couldn’t tell if the shivers were because she didn’t want to see him again, but knew it had to happen—or was it because she couldn’t stop thinking about the passionate way he’d kissed her?

  If she saw him again so soon, would he want a repeat of their steamy kiss? As strong willed as she was, she honestly wasn’t sure if she’d be able to tell him no.


  Brittany leaned against the kitchen counter as she waited for her toast to pop up in the toaster. Yawning, she drummed her fingernails on the counter. She hadn’t slept very well last night, and Austin had everything to do with it. She growled. That man disturbs her in her sleep just as much as he does when she’s awake.

  A hard knock came on the door, and she jumped. Who could be visiting in the morning? It must be someone who didn’t know she worked for a living.

  She moved to the door and looked through the peephole. The face on the other side surprised her. What was Kurt doing here? Curious, she hurried and opened the door. Her partner smiled at her.

  “Hey,” he said.

  “Hey,” she replied hesitantly.

  “I’m glad you’re not still in bed.” He walked into her apartment and she shut the door.

  “You should know me by now. I’m an early bird.”

  He chuckled. “That’s true, you are. It usually takes me two cups of Joe before I’m awake.”

  “Would you like me to make you some?” Kurt knew she didn’t drink coffee, but her father did, as well as some of her friends, so she always had ground beans and a coffee maker on hand for when the occasion called for it.

  “No, I’m good. I’ve already had some this morning. I needed to think on my way here.”

  “Kurt? Why are you here?”

  He laughed loudly. “You act as if I don’t ever come to your apartment.”

  “Kurt, you don’t usually come in the morning.”

  He shrugged. “I thought we should discuss our plan for contacting Mr. Reeder today.”

  Inwardly, she groaned. Wasn’t it enough that she hadn’t been able to get him off her mind since meeting him? Why did Kurt have to bring attention to the playboy when she wanted him out of her mind?

  “Do we have to discuss it?” She rubbed the dull ache quickly forming in her forehead. She moved into the living room before plopping down on the loveseat.

  Kurt joined her on the sofa and tapped his hand against her knee. “Yes. It’s necessary to talk this out. We can’t allow our plans to become messed up.”

  “I understand.” She nodded, taking in a deep breath. “So how do you think I should meet him?”

  “I was thinking,” Kurt sat back against the sofa and draped his arm behind Brittany, “that because you left so abruptly during your first meeting, you should return to his hotel, and—”

  “Bad idea!” She shook her head as her heart pounded frantically. “I was quite insulted that he thought I was a call girl, and I don’t think—”

  “But you need to earn his trust,” he cut in. “You won’t be able to earn his trust if you happen to run into him on the street and strike up a conversation, you know.”

  Brittany gnashed her teeth. She hated when he was right. His hazel gaze stayed on her for a few awkward silent moments. It was almost as if he waited for her to agree with him. She blew out a rushed breath. “Fine. I’ll go to his hotel, but what will my excuse be for seeing him again?”

  Kurt’s energetic smile widened. “Oh, you’re going to like this one.” He winked. “You’re going to tell him you think you left your purse there.”

  “Nope. It won’t work. He knows I had it with me. I never put it down since it had my glock and badge in it.”

  Kurt muttered a cuss. “Are you sure?”

  “Of course, I’m sure. He was trying to stop me, remember?”

  “Hmm…” he rubbed his trimmed goatee. “Maybe you could say you had come back to get paid—”

  Gasping, she slugged him in the arm. “You’ve got to be kidding! I’m not going to do that. Not after the way I ran out of there as if the devil was nipping at my heels.”

  He groaned and rested his head back against the couch. When he closed his eyes, silence stretched between them. She couldn’t stop from running her gaze over him. From the first day she’d met him, she thought he was one good looking man, but even back then, she knew not to judge a person by their appearance. However, the more she got to know him, the more she liked him. Kurt was easy to like. He entertained everyone in the precinct, especially her. For a few months, she thought she was developing a crush on him. She fought it as hard as she could. It wasn’t a good idea to date a co-worker. Then, when they became partners, she definitely knew she needed to start thinking differently about him. So, he was like a brother to her…at least that’s what she tried to believe.

  “So what other excuse could you use?” Kurt asked, lifting his head and looking at her. “I really don’t see any other way to meet him again…unless we go as ourselves, and you know he’s not going to be truthful with a cop.”

  Brittany mentally shook away her thoughts of the past and focused once more on their conversation. “He won’t be truthful with me, then. He’ll say I purposely tricked him because I was wearing that dress.”

  Chuckling, Kurt ruffled her hair. “You did look sexy that day.”

  “Knock it off,” she slapped his hand away. Heat started climbing up her neck, making its way to her face, but she tried breathing normally and not getting too excited by his comment so that the blush wouldn’t reach her cheeks.

  His gaze locked with hers as his laughing subsided. She didn’t want to read too much into this moment, but…why were his hazel eyes softening? Even the lines in his face weren’t as dominant.

  A lump formed in her throat, and she swallowed hard. She prayed he didn’t have feelings for her. A relationship with her partner was not a good thing!

  Suddenly, his eyes widened, and his smile grew. He straightened. “I think I have the answer.”

  What answer was he talking about? Her mind quickly replayed their conversation. Oh, yeah. They were back on Austin Reeder. “It had better be good.”

  “You are going to return to his hotel to tell him that you were sorry for the way you acted the other day.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “Excuse me? You want me to do what?”

  “Just listen to me.”

  He took her hand in his and gently rubbed her fingers. Now she knew he was going to tell her something she wouldn’t like.

  “You’re going to explain to Austin Reeder,” Kurt continued, “how sorry you were for acting that way. Let him know you don’t usually do…um, that, but you desperately need the money.”

  Anger built inside of her again, and she tried to take her hand away, but he gripped onto it harder, making it impossible for her to release. “Kurt Hamill…” She usually only used his full name when she was upset.

  “Listen to me before you interrupt.” He smiled sweetly. “As I was saying, the reason you’re doing this is to make him think you’re new at this…um, kind of thing. That would explain why you acted the way you did the other day. He, of course, will have sympathy for you, an
d allow you to apologize.”

  When he paused, she quickly spoke before he could go on. “And why exactly would I be desperate for money?”

  “I don’t know.” He shrugged. “Make up a story. Maybe you are looking for work, but can’t find a job. Maybe your father is sick and dying, and you need the money to pay for his medical expenses.”

  Thankfully, Brittany’s mind was working better now. “Okay, so tell me, oh master of all knowledge, how would I have known to go to Austin Reeder?”

  Slowly, Kurt shook his head, but he still wore his cocky grin. “Because of Hillary Banks. You tell Austin Reeder that Hillary recommended him as the man who could help you.”

  Brittany gradually processed this information, and after a few awkward, silent seconds, she realized she couldn’t think of anything to argue about. Perhaps Kurt’s idea would work after all, and maybe…she’d finally get some answers out of the good looking womanizer.


  Kurt watched Brittany carefully. He knew her well enough to know her moods, and at times, he even knew what she was thinking. Right now he saw a mixture of frustration and awe on her pretty wide-eyed expression. He couldn’t blame her for being upset. If roles were reversed, he’d be pissed at her for suggesting such a thing. But Britt could definitely pull this off. She had the right body—and looks—for a call girl. Not that he’d ever paid for one, but he’d seen movies. And being a police detective, he’d seen his share, as well.

  If anyone could play this part, Britt could. She wouldn’t take crap from Austin Reeder, either. Of course, Kurt wouldn’t let the perp lay a hand on his partner. He’d told her once that he’d protect her, and he’d move Heaven and Hell to make sure she was taken care of.

  She released a heavy breath and her body relaxed. He still held her hand, and even her tight grip had diminished.

  “So,” she said softly, “how are we going to do this? How are we going to keep me from really playing the part of a call girl?”

  He smiled and squeezed her hand gently. “I’ve already figured this out. I’ll get us the ear pieces, and we’ll both wear them. That way, if I can hear the perp is getting out of control, I’ll come rescue you.”

  A small grin touched her mouth. “Rescue me? Kurt, really…when do I need rescuing?”

  “You know what I mean. I know you’ll be able to take the perp down, because I’ve seen you do it many times. But I just want you to know I’ll be there for back up.”

  “That’s just fine, but you really didn’t answer my question. What is going to keep me from performing? If Reeder thinks I’m a call girl, and tries to make the best out of me, then what excuse can I give him that will make him stop?”

  Kurt scratched his chin, trying to think up some kind of excuse. Nothing came to mind. “I don’t know. I’m not a woman. What excuses do you usually give men?”

  “Augh!” Brittany rolled her eyes and pushed him aside as she stood. “Sometimes, Kurt, you make me want to punch you in the face.”

  He laughed and rose to his feet. “But you still love me, right?” He winked.

  She shook her head and walked toward the back room.

  “Hey? Where are you going?”

  “I have to find clothes so I can look the part, don’t I?”

  “Come on. We don’t want to be late for work.”

  As he walked behind her, he grinned. She was definitely a looker. Any man would be blind not to notice how sexy Britt was—even when she tried not to be. When he’d first been paired with her, he went to the captain to persuade him otherwise, because he didn’t want to be attracted to his partner. That didn’t make a good working environment. But the captain turned down Kurt’s request. Over the months, he fought the attraction, and finally become comfortable with her.

  It was still hard not to think of her in any sexual sense, but his job was important, and having a trusted partner was even more important. He didn’t want to ruin that between them.

  But now with her going under cover as a loose woman, he wasn’t sure he liked it. Although he knew she could pull it off, he still worried that the perp might not be able to handle the natural urges a man gets. Kurt wouldn’t hesitate in shooting the perp if that ever happened.

  He just hoped Britt wouldn’t be too convincing when she was with Reeder.


  Brittany adjusted the tight, black skirt around her thighs, and smoothed a hand down the snug fitting, stretchy blue shirt with elbow-length sleeves. She kept a few buttons of the shirt open at her throat, not caring if it didn’t show enough cleavage. She knew her role, but she refused to look too slutty.

  As she watched the floors move by on the elevator’s wall panel, she touched her finger to the earpiece hidden in her ear. “I hope you can hear me,” she said softly.

  “I can.” Kurt’s voice came across loud and clear. “And just relax. You look gorgeous.”

  Inwardly, she groaned. She didn’t need to hear that. “Thanks, Hamill. I’m happy you approve of my Halloween costume.”

  His laughter from the other end made her smile, but it didn’t make her relax at all. What worried her more than coming face to face with Austin again, was knowing that Kurt could now hear their conversation. Her gut twisted. She hadn’t told Kurt about the kiss she shared with the perp, and if she had it her way, Kurt would never find out. It was degrading enough that she’d lowered herself and allowed Austin to seduce her into a passionate kiss. She couldn’t allow it to happen again.

  The elevator doors opened and she stepped into the hallway, wearing her black, high heeled stilettos. Shoulders back, chin lifted, she walked toward the familiar door as her heart frantically beat against her ribs. Good grief, if the noise from her heartbeat was any louder, the first floor would be able to hear.

  Her stomach twisted in knots, making its own pretzels. She tried to breathe slower in hopes that it would calm her down, but her fast pulse let her know nothing would be coming to a halt anytime soon. She may as well be running a 4k race. If her heart was going to get exercise, her legs should, as well.

  Taking a deep breath for courage, she raised her hand and knocked. Then waited. There was nothing but silence from the other side of the door. She hesitated a couple more seconds before knocking again. Still nothing. Was he taking another shower? Well, she wasn’t about to go inside this time just to find out. Not even if he slipped and fell on the wet floor.

  “I don’t think he’s home,” she said so Kurt could hear her.

  “The hotel clerk told me Mr. Reeder would be in his suite this afternoon.”

  She shrugged. “Maybe he’s resting, then.”

  “Knock harder.”

  Irritated, she did as Kurt requested and knocked harder. Still, there was no sound on the other side.

  “I think the hotel clerk was wrong,” she said.

  “Me, too.”

  She moved back to the elevator and walked inside. She pressed the button of the floor she wanted. There was no use waiting around here. When the doors closed, she released a sigh of relief. And yet, inevitable, she would have to meet up with the perp sometime, and then she’d have to talk to him.

  “He’s not here, so I’m coming down.”

  Kurt grumbled. “We’ll try again later.”

  “Yes, we will.”

  “I’m shutting down my earpiece now.”

  “Me, too.” She reached to her ear just as the elevator doors opened on the seventh floor. She scooted to the corner, readying for others to join her on her ride down. But only a single man walked in. A very familiar, single man.

  When Austin Reeder’s gaze met hers, he gasped and froze in his step. She groaned in silence, leaving the earpiece where it was, just in case. What was he doing on the seventh floor instead of up in his own suite?

  His eyes widened. “It’s you!”

  Apparently, her acting began now, not later. She licked her lips and moistened her suddenly dry throat with a hard swallow. “Yes, it’s me.”

  “What…are y
ou doing here?” he asked as he came inside and pressed the key to the second floor.

  “I, um…” Are you kidding me? Tongue-tied again? This is definitely not like you, Russell! Get a grip! She cleared her throat. “I’m actually here to see you.”


  She couldn’t tell for sure, but it appeared as though he held his breath. “Yes. I came to…apologize.” She almost couldn’t get that last word out. She really hated begging for forgiveness. Kurt knew she didn’t like saying I’m sorry. Perhaps that’s why he laughed while telling her about his great idea of what to say to the perp.

  “You did? Why?”

  “Well, you see—” The elevator dinged and the doors opened to the second floor.

  Austin held the door open and motioned with his other hand. “Would you like to join me for a drink? There is a concierge lounge on this floor.”

  “Oh, yes. That would be nice.” With any luck, there would be others there, too.

  Austin waited until she walked beside him, and then he led them down the hall. When they entered the room, she quickly scoped it out…and then groaned. They were the only ones here so far.

  He moved behind the counter to pour them drinks. This time he didn’t ask what she wanted, but she wouldn’t drink alcohol, anyway. She’d just have to act like she was drinking, just as she’d done when they’d been in his room.

  Within moments, he brought the drinks to the nearest table. She lowered herself to the chair, and he sat across from her. When his gaze met hers again, his green eyes twinkled. Why did they have to do that? Now the fluttering in her bosom had returned. Even her knees felt weak.

  “I must admit,” he began, “I’m happy to see you. I haven’t stopped thinking about you since you ran out the other day.”

  Interesting. Why would he think about her? Maybe he felt guilty for frightening her and making her run. “Well, I’ll admit that you have been on my mind quite a bit, too.”

  “Why?” He reached over and touched her hand resting on the table.