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Prince Charming is a Liar (Your Every Day Hero Book 1) Page 6
Prince Charming is a Liar (Your Every Day Hero Book 1) Read online
Page 6
“Well, you see…” Stubbornness blocked the words from leaving her mouth. Just do it! “I wanted to apologize for what happened the other day.”
His eyes widened again. “Apologize? Why? I’m the one who should be apologizing.”
He is right! But I have to appear as the martyr in this case. “Because of the way I acted.”
He took both of her hands in his. “Brittany, you were frightened of me, I could tell. I should have tried harder to set your mind at ease. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m not that kind of man.” He chuckled. “Ask anyone. I could never harm a woman.”
Brittany’s mind stalled. Why had he said that? Did he know she was really here to ask about Hillary’s murder? What man goes around saying they don’t hurt women?
She tried to smile. “I’m relieved to know that, but…” She took a deep breath. “I’m rather new at this, and well…I was being awkward for a reason.”
He arched an eyebrow, but then his gaze narrowed on her. “You are new at what, exactly?”
Silently, she groaned. He was really going to make her spell it out? How humiliating! “You know…it.”
His expression changed to one of confusion. “It?” He shook his head. “Do you mean dating?”
She desperately wanted to roll her eyes and make some kind of sarcastic remark, but she refrained, but it was hard. So apparently, they call it dating now. “Well, I guess it’s called dating.”
“Brittany, I’m not sure what you’re saying.” He took a drink of his brandy.
She glanced down at her glass. Too bad she wasn’t a drinker, because now would be the perfect time to start. She expelled a frustrated breath. “You know, paying me for my services.”
He choked and spit some of the liquor out of his mouth. Quickly, he snatched a napkin and dabbed the table where the liquid had landed before bringing the napkin to his face and wiping. Shaking his head, he cleared his throat. “You wanted me to pay you for that?”
Okay, so now she was confused. If he didn’t think she was a call girl, then why did he say the things he did? “Well…isn’t that what you’d said to me? Something about earning my pay?”
He groaned and closed his eyes as he rubbed his forehead. She didn’t dare say anything more, not until he explained himself first. Wasn’t it bad enough she was in this predicament?
Sighing, he looked at her as a frown claimed his face. “Brittany, I’m very sorry for…everything. I can’t believe you actually thought that I wanted to pay you for your services.”
“Then why did you say it?” she asked.
“Because I thought my friend Derek was up to his old tricks again, and teasing me with one of his friends. I said that as a joke—meaning that Derek was paying you to play this prank on me for my birthday.”
“It was your birthday?” Surprise washed through her.
“Yes, but I was too exhausted to celebrate, and Derek knew it. That’s why I thought he’d sent you.”
Mortification ran amuck through her, and she wanted to dig a big hole and stick her head into it. She hadn’t heard Kurt in her ear, so obviously, he’d really shut down. Perhaps that was a good thing, especially now. “Oh, wow. Now I’m the one who is embarrassed.”
He scooted his chair closer to hers, and took hold of her hands, again. “This was just all a mix-up, that’s all. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” He paused, and during those seconds, his expression changed again. Lines appeared on his forehead and around his eyes. Even his lips thinned. “Brittany? If Derek didn’t send you, then why did you come to see me?”
She tried to remain calm. After all, she and Kurt had discussed this part. She knew what to say, but now…she was going to sound extremely foolish. But there was no other way, especially, if she needed to ask him about Hillary.
She cleared her throat. “I’d led you to believe that Derek sent me, but the truth is, Hillary Banks recommended you.”
Gasping, he released her hands and pulled back. “She recommended me? For what?”
“That you would be the one to help me.”
Slowly, his head shook back and forth. “I still don’t quite understand. Why would she send you to me?”
Here it comes…the shame of telling him such an unbelievable tale. “I’m desperate for money. You see, I’d just lost my job, and I needed something to pay rent until something else came along. I’m about to be evicted. What am I going to do if that happens?” She raised her voice, laying it on thick. “I’ve never done this—this thing before, but Hillary mentioned she had, and it helped her get the money she needed.”
“Just say it, Brittany,” he said. “There’s no need to try and sugar-coat it.”
“Sex for money.” Good grief. Where was the hole?
He nodded. “Go on.”
“Anyway, Hillary said you could help me. That’s why I came to see you the other day. I was very nervous. I didn’t know what was going to happen. And then, after the kiss…well, I just couldn’t do it. That’s why I ran out the way I had.”
Empathy glowed in his hypnotic green eyes. He stroked his thumbs over her knuckles so very tenderly, she could have melted right off the chair and to the floor.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that. Hillary shouldn’t have sent you here. She knew better.” He shook his head. “You see, a few years ago, I had helped her when she was down on her luck. She was working for a place called Belle’s Escort Service, and Hillary was in over her head. A few months ago, she came back and needed money to start her own business. Something to do with creating a clothing line. I can’t remember. Anyway, I gave her a little money, and she was upset that I didn’t give her more, so she stormed out and I’ve never seen her since.”
Although this whole conversation was humiliating, at least she was getting him to talk. But then…why wasn’t Kurt hearing any of this?
“Oh, Austin. I feel so foolish now.” She lowered her head, laying on the drama. “Hillary took advantage of my stressful situation, and I’m ashamed I fell for her lies. She made me think that you…well, would trade sex for money.” To add to her Academy Award acting, she lifted a hand to her mouth as if she was holding back a sob.
“Don’t blame yourself, Brittany.”
He scooted his chair closer and wrapped his arms around her. She rested her head on his chest. Inhaling deeply had been a huge mistake. Oh, why did he have to smell so good?
“Brittany? Are you there? What’s going on?”
Kurt’s voice in her ear startled her, and she snapped up. Another big mistake, because now she was looking at the very sexy, Austin Reeder, right in the face. If there were two inches between them, she’d be lucky. She prayed he hadn’t heard Kurt’s voice since she was still in his arms.
“What’s wrong?” Austin asked.
“I, um… Well, I just don’t want you to think this is your fault at all.” Her mind scrambled for words. “This was Hillary’s sick joke, and that’s all.”
“Sick joke?” Kurt asked in a lower voice this time. “What did I miss?” He swore. “I knew I should have kept my earpiece in.”
“Yes, it was.” Austin stroked her cheek. “And so I don’t want you to feel guilty, either. She knew what kind of man I was, and she took advantage of me, too. Apparently, Hillary enjoyed playing with people’s lives.”
Brittany nodded. “Can you forgive me? I was just so…desperate. Now I realize how wrong I was.”
A slow smile stretched across his face. “There is nothing to forgive. But, how is our housing situation? Are you going to get evicted? Because I don’t want you thinking you have to find other men who will pay. I can give you a small loan until you find a new job.”
Her heart wrenched with an unknown feeling. He would really do that to someone he’d only met once, and who he’d shared an electrifying kiss with? Perhaps she’d judged him too harshly at first. Of course, knowing he didn’t pay for women was a great relief, too. “I…I…I don’t know what to say, Austin. Why are you being so kind to m
e? I don’t know when I’ll be able to pay you back.”
“Don’t worry about that now. I just want you to rest assured that I’ll help you in any way I can.” His fingers moved to her bottom lip and traced underneath. “As long as you promise you’ll not try to find the men who will pay for sex ever again.”
Her heartbeat quickened. The tone in his voice had changed—deepened—turned sexy. And the way he stared at her mouth let her know he wanted to kiss her again. She couldn’t let that happen! Especially, not with Kurt in her ear. “I promise.”
Just when she thought Austin was going to place his lips on hers, he pulled away. Instead, he picked up his brandy and nearly gulped it down. She took this moment to breathe slower, hoping to regulate her heartbeat. She was glad he decided to withdraw first, because she seriously doubted she had the strength, even knowing Kurt would hear.
“I suppose I should go.” She stood.
He quickly rose to his feet and grasped her hand. “Forgive me for being busy today. I just don’t have much time to spend with you. However, I hope you’ll be free for dinner later tonight. I’d really like to get to know you better.”
Tell him no! “Uh, all right.” Way to go, Russell. You’re such a coward sometimes. But she tried to convince herself she needed more time to ask him about Hillary. It didn’t matter what he’d told her earlier, he was still a suspect. However, his innocence was becoming clearer the more she got to know him. “Do you want to pick me up?” Her mind screeched to a halt. No! She couldn’t have him knowing where she lived. “Or,” she quickly added, “should I come here? I’m sure this hotel has a nice restaurant.”
“Yes, it does.” He winked. “Why don’t you come here around seven o’clock.”
She nodded and smiled. “Okay. It’s a date.”
Just thinking about it being a real date sent her mind into a frenzy, and her heart into overdrive.
Low burning candles and soft music from the blue tooth speakers would set the mood for tonight’s romance. Austin hadn’t stopped thinking about his date with Brittany, and he realized that he didn’t want to take her to the restaurant. Privacy was what they needed. If it was just the two of them, she’d open up to him a little easier. And maybe, just maybe, she’d let him kiss her again.
He adjusted the wine bottle in the bucket of ice sitting on the dinette table. He picked out the overlooked green leaf in the bowl of fresh strawberries before walking over and dimming the lights.
Before his anxiously awaited guest arrived, he hurried into the bathroom to check his appearance one last time. As he slapped on his favorite cologne, he caught his reflection smiling like a little boy on Christmas day, but surprisingly enough, he couldn’t control his eagerness.
He ran his hand over his wavy black hair, knowing women liked this particular trait about him—hair just long enough to run their fingers through, yet not too long to be in the way. He glanced down at his gray, short sleeved polo shirt and debated whether to tuck it into the waist of his Levis or just wear it out. Then again, if he tucked it inside, she’d be able to see his muscular frame better. Grinning, he shoved the ends of the shirt into his Levis.
Showing off his pearly whites, he stepped closer to the mirror to inspect his teeth, making sure he’d brushed and flossed his teeth clean. Satisfied, he straightened. Everything had to be perfect tonight. This was his only chance to show Brittany what a charming, and gentle man he really was. If he failed again, she’d never come back.
His lucky stars were aligned perfectly tonight. He had a good feeling that things would turn out as planned. Brittany had come back to him, when he thought he’d never see her again, and he was determined not to let her go this time.
Strange to think, but as many situations that he’d helped Hillary get out of, she was actually helping him this time.
The doorbell rang, and his heart sprang with excitement. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he walked out of the bathroom and to the front door. He wiped his sweaty palms on his pants, chuckling to think he was so anxious. Austin Reeder? Nervous? Ridiculous. Wouldn’t the press have a field day with this story?
When he received his first look at Brittany, his heart melted. Instead of the slutty dresses she’d worn before, her attire was much different tonight. Instead, she wore a short sleeve, dark blue shirt that was buttoned down the front. She had on gray slacks that fit her figure perfectly. Nothing about her clothes could be considered sexy, and yet…he liked this look on her.
Her jet-black hair was left long, flowing like silk over her shoulders and down her back. He’d never seen it so shiny and soft. His fingers itched to stroke her locks; to feel it brush across his face. He quickly stopped his thoughts before they got out of hand. This wasn’t the way to start out the evening. But how could he not think that way? She really did have beautiful hair.
Another thing different about her was that she didn’t cake on her makeup as she’d done before. But whatever she’d done, it was perfect. It made Brittany appear more natural. He liked that a lot, because now he knew she had natural beauty.
A black purse hung over her arm, and one hand clutched onto it so tight her fingers were white. The poor woman looked so nervous that she might empty her stomach at any moment. He’d change that. He’d have her relaxed in no time.
Giving her a tender smile, he stepped away from the door. “Good evening, Brittany. Won’t you come in?”
She nodded then walked past him into the suite. Her heavenly scent of roses wafted around him—just like it had done the other night.
“How are you this evening?” He shut the door.
“I guess I’m a little nervous,” she answered as her gaze swept through the room. “Uh, Austin? I thought we were going to the restaurant for dinner.”
“We were, until I realized I like room service much better. It’s not as crowded here, either.” He smiled.
“Well, whatever we are having for dinner, smells Heavenly.”
“I hope you like this.” He glanced at the dinette table where the food was laid out. “I’ve ordered my favorite dish from the restaurant. We’ll be having smoked duck breast, peach risotto, charred broccoli, heirloom carrots, and red wine shallots. For dessert, we’ll have dark chocolate pudding.”
Her expression relaxed as a small smile touched her face. “That sounds wonderful.”
He motioned toward the table. “Shall we eat?”
She nodded, so he took her hand and brought her to the table, and like a nobleman, pulled out the chair for her to sit.
Her eyes widened. “My, my…don’t we have the manners of a gentleman.”
He laughed and sat beside her. “I’d like to believe so, since I was taught as a young boy how to treat a woman.” Surprisingly enough, he wasn’t taught that by his mother. He quickly quenched the horrible memories and focused back on his beautiful date.
“Not many men do that. My father drilled into my brothers that if they couldn’t treat a woman kindly, they would not have satisfied marriages.”
“Your father is correct.” He slipped his hand over hers and softly caressed her skin. “He sounds like a wise man. I hope your brothers took his advice.”
She shrugged. “Only my oldest brother is married, and so far, he and his wife seem to be very happy. My other two brothers are in college. One wants to be a doctor, the other one, a lawyer.”
“How impressive. I’m happy that they want to make something out of their lives.”
“We all do. Even me.” She sighed and frowned.
“What do you want to become? Or have you already reached that goal?”
He waited for her answer, but she seemed to squirm in her chair and play with her utensils. Hopefully, he hadn’t asked the wrong question. Suddenly, he realized he had! Because she’d wanted to earn extra money being a call girl, that right there hinted to him she didn’t have a good profession.
Silently, he groaned. Now he needed to say something to make up for his blunder.
> ~*~*~*~
Brittany couldn’t think. Why did this always happen to her when she was around this man? Had he some kind of hypnotic power to make all of the thoughts in her head disappear? So far, that’s the only excuse she could come up with.
She couldn’t necessarily tell him that she wanted to be a cop or detective, because what kind of woman would do that and then try to be a call girl? Perhaps she’d tell him about the profession she’d almost gone into.
She raised her gaze and met his worried one. “I was actually in college to get a degree in interior design, but I had to drop out to care for my father when he became sick. Once he was feeling better, I found a job, but I wasn’t making a lot of money. One thing led to another, and suddenly bills started piling up. Then my job laid me off, and well…now I’m here, looking really pathetic about now, I suppose.”
Sadness encased his expression. He took her hands in his, once more. It was hard to admit, but when he did this, it calmed her.
“My sweet, Brittany. You have such a caring heart to drop out of school to watch over your father. I think interior design would be a great career for you. I hope you return once you can get back on your feet.”
She nodded. “That is my plan.”
He released her and turned to grab one of the dishes of food. “We’d better eat before our food gets cold.”
“Oh, yes. I’m starving.”
It melted her heart to think he’d serve her. Most wealthy businessmen sat back and allowed others to serve them. With every minute with him, he amazed her more. Now she wondered how he could even be considered a suspect at all. He was so kind and attentive, and that definitely wasn’t how murderers acted. There were people who had split personalities, but because he’d made it so far in life and was still going strong, that told her he didn’t have that particular disorder.
As they ate their dinner, she relaxed and enjoyed listening to him. He talked about his hotels, and more importantly, how he’d obtained them. The idea of him being a murderer floated further from her mind. This man was extremely intelligent.