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Prince Charming is a Liar (Your Every Day Hero Book 1) Page 8

  A couple of times he stumbled up the stairs, but he finally reached his apartment. He fumbled with the keys and tried to get them in the right keyhole, since he could see two of them. Cursing again, he slammed his fist against the door.

  “Kurt Hamill! For goodness sake, will you stop?” Brittany grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the door. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m trying to get in my apartment. What does it look like I’m doing?”

  She rolled her eyes. “It looks like you’re trying to break into your neighbor’s apartment, instead.”

  She looked back at the door he’d just tried to enter. His fifty-year-old neighbor peeked out, his face white with worry. Brittany forced a laugh. “Please forgive Kurt. He’s been drinking.” Mr. Kirkpatrick nodded and closed the door.

  Brittany looked back at him and held out her hand. “Give me the keys.”

  If he wasn’t so sloshed, maybe he’d feel embarrassed. He was sure it would come tomorrow, along with a huge headache, of course. He gave her the keys and she opened his door. Walking ahead of her, he wearily went inside.

  As he made his way to the couch, he glanced over his shoulder as she was shutting the door. “Why are you still here?” He practically fell on the piece of furniture.

  “Because our conversation is not over.” She sat beside him, staring deep into his eyes.

  “Actually, it is. Tomorrow, all of this will have just been a nightmare for me.”

  “Kurt.” She took both of his hands. “Do you really feel that way about me, or is that just the liquor talking?”

  He must have heard wrong, because he could have sworn her voice was softer. He blinked several times, trying to make his vision clear. Why was she looking at him with so much tenderness in her eyes?

  “I really feel that way. The liquor is helping me to get it off my chest, since it’s been there since you first entered our precinct.”

  “Why haven’t you said anything before now?”

  “Because I didn’t realize it until we became partners, and by then, it was too late.”

  Smiling, she lay back against the couch, keeping her gaze on him. “The truth is, I had those feeling for you, too. I didn’t want to say anything because I enjoyed being your partner. I didn’t want to ruin that.”

  The alcohol must be disturbing his hearing, because he for sure didn’t hear her correctly. “You…you were in love with me?”

  Shyly, she shrugged. “I don’t know if what I felt was love, but I definitely had a crush on you.”

  He turned toward her and pulled her in his arms. “Had? Are you saying you don’t feel that way about me now?”

  Brittany’s expression wavered, and he wasn’t sure if she was sad or scared. Maybe both. She also appeared hesitant to answer.

  “Kurt, I…don’t know.”

  “Shh, don’t say that,” he whispered as he lowered his mouth to hers. She didn’t pull away, but allowed him to kiss her. The kiss was soft, and sweet. Sweet? No, he didn’t want sweet! As he opened his mouth to deepen the kiss, she pushed him away.

  “Kurt, this isn’t right.”

  “Yes, it is. I can make it right.” He tried to bring her back, but she rose from the couch, shaking her head.

  “Kurt, when I kiss you, I don’t want to taste alcohol. Sorry, but it’s not the right time to kiss you.”

  Relief flooded through him, knowing it was just the beer that repelled her. “All right. Then, um…I’ll see you tomorrow?”

  She smiled at him before moving to the door. “Well, if you can see through that headache, sure, I’ll see you tomorrow at work.”

  He chuckled and relaxed into the couch as she walked out and shut the door. His heart soared with happiness. Perhaps there was a chance to make Brittany love him for more than a partner.


  Brittany’s headache was probably just as bad as she figured Kurt’s would be today. But for different reasons, of course.

  She hesitated before walking into the police station. Her emotions were all over the place. When she’d left Kurt’s place last night, she was floating on air. She couldn’t believe he would feel the same way about her, and yet now… it almost seemed like it was too late. Did she still have feelings for him, or were they being blocked because of her attraction to Austin Reeder?

  Frowning, she rubbed her forehead. When she’d kissed Kurt last night, the strong beer taste in his mouth turned her off. For a brief moment before she was disgusted by that, an image of Austin popped into her head.

  She hadn’t lied to Kurt about what she and Austin had done after she took out the earpiece. She’d actually enjoyed herself with him. They laughed. They talked about anything, and she was finally starting to feel like she was on a real date. When he walked her to the elevator, he did kiss her. It was very brief…but oh, so memorable.

  When she reached the section of the building that held her precinct, her attention zoomed toward Kurt’s desk. Empty. He wouldn’t have called in sick. He’s had hangover headaches before. Maybe he was embarrassed about admitting his feelings.

  Groaning, she rubbed her forehead again. Now she felt like an idiot. Why had she confessed her feelings? She should have known he’d been drinking too much, and he wasn’t thinking straight—


  She froze when she heard the harsh tone of Captain Martinez’s voice. Slowly, she turned to look in the man’s direction. He was a powerfully tall man, but in his mid-forties, he still had a full head of curly black hair without a hint of gray. She rarely saw him smile, so she didn’t know if his teeth were real or if he had dentures.

  “Yes, sir,” she answered.

  “I need to speak with you and Hamill ASAP.” His gaze moved around the room. “Where is he?”

  “Um, I don’t know sir. I’m sure he’ll be in at any moment.”

  He threw her a glare and pointed to the conference room. “I want you both in there as soon as he shows his face. Understood?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Brittany wished she knew why he was always snapping at her. What had she done to make him mad? She would think it had something to do with her recent undercover case with Austin, but the captain had acted that way with her since she first met him.

  She wandered back toward the front door. Still no sign of Kurt. Then she moved to the window and peered outside. Kurt’s Honda Accord slowly pulled into a parking place. When he exited the car, he held a cup—probably black coffee, no sugar, no cream—and took careful steps toward the building.

  Biting her lip, she tried not to laugh. Although she had a headache, too, at least it wasn’t breaking her skull with every step, and threatening to bring everything in her stomach up, like she knew his hangover was doing. She hoped the captain would be nicer to Kurt, instead of being harsh as he’d been with her.

  When Kurt finally made his appearance, she walked toward him. His narrowed gaze stayed on her until she stopped in front of him.

  “For some reason, Captain Martinez looks like he’s on the warpath. He wants us both in the conference room, immediately.”

  Kurt cussed. “I hope my headache can withstand it.”

  “So do I.”

  Side-by-side she walked with Kurt into the conference room. When she noticed the others in the precinct, she breathed a sigh of relief. Thank goodness it wasn’t just her and Kurt the captain wanted to speak with.

  Once she and Kurt took their seats, the captain did his customary pacing in front of everyone. By now, she was used to this. She assumed it was the captain’s way of trying to get his point across. Sometimes it worked, but most of the time it didn’t.

  “The mayor wants answers. Hillary Banks case is stretching into a week, and that’s too long.” He glared at Tyrone and Gibbs. “What have you found out?”

  Henry Gibbs certainly didn’t fit the part of a police detective. The blond man’s clean-cut shaven face, and his classy threads, made him look like someone who took modeling seriously. If he had any musc
les like Kurt, she’d be surprised. Now she wondered if his fingernails were shiny clean, too.

  As Gibbs started explaining who he’d questioned and what they found, she moved her gaze to Kurt. His attention wasn’t on the captain, or the other two detectives, but it was on her. When she met his stare, he quickly looked away. Her heart fluttered, but…it wasn’t quite like the fluttering it did whenever Austin looked at her, or touched her, or kissed her.

  “Russell and Hamill?” The captain’s voice rose higher. “You’ve had enough time to question Mr. Reeder. What’s going on with him?”

  She glanced at Kurt to see if he was going to speak, but by the grimace on his expression as he squeezed his eyes closed, she realized he probably wouldn’t talk yet.

  “Captain, as you know, I went undercover wearing an earpiece. I met with the perp last night. Kurt was able to get most of the conversation recorded. But during my evening with Reeder, I was led to believe he wasn’t involved with Hillary Banks. He mentioned helping her get out of a sticky situation when she worked for Belle’s Escort Service. Kurt and I wondered if this was a call girl service.” The other men snickered behind their hands. She rolled her eyes and continued. “But he admits to giving Hillary money, but when she wanted more and he turned her down, they parted ways, and he claims he’s not seen her since then.”

  Martinez paused and glanced at the others. “Have any of you heard of Belle’s Escort Service?”

  Negative mumbling circled the group

  “Russell and Hamill, I want you to follow up on this lead.”

  “Yes, sir,” Kurt muttered.

  Martinez cocked his head as he peered directly at Brittany. “So are we taking him off the suspect’s list?”

  “Yes, I think—”

  “No, not yet,” Kurt interrupted.

  She gasped and glared at him. What was he doing? After he had listened in on their conversation last night, why wasn’t he convinced as she was?

  “Explain yourself,” Martinez snapped.

  “Because Reeder kept in touch with Hillary, and even gave her money to set up her own business—which of course, he didn’t know what it was—he’d mentioned that they argued and she stormed out.”

  “Seriously?” Brittany shook her head, not believing Kurt. “That’s why you think he’s still a suspect?”

  “Yes.” He met her glare. “Because he had upset her.”

  “What does that have anything to do with it?”

  “Because,” Kurt spoke slower, “that would give her more room to blackmail Reeder.”

  Brittany gnashed her teeth. She wanted to shake some sense into Kurt, regardless of his headache.

  “Hamill’s right.” Martinez gave a sharp nod. “Reeder stays on the list.” He moved his attention to the others, beginning to ask them the same question.

  Brittany tried to communicate her frustration toward Kurt through her eyes, but he wouldn’t look at her for very long. Finally, she bumped against him with her arm.

  “Give it up, Russell,” he whispered. “You know I’m right.”

  “Actually, it’s just the opposite.” She kept her voice low, too.

  “We’ll talk about this later.”

  “Yes, we will.” She folded her arms across her chest and focused on the captain. Too bad she couldn’t hear a word he was saying, because her mind was putting arguments together for when she and Kurt were alone. Once she said her piece, he was going to wish he stayed home.

  As soon as the briefing was adjourned, she followed Kurt out. He reached his office, and nearly collapsed on his chair. Resting his elbows on his desk, he laid his head in his hands.

  “Kurt, we need to talk,” she said, sitting on the empty chair by his desk.

  “Not now we don’t.”

  She huffed and glared his way, even though he didn’t care enough to look at her and see it. “I mean it, Hamill.”

  “Britt, while I’m trying to recover from my headache,” he muttered into his hands, “why don’t you go to your own desk and start researching Belle’s Escort Service. Didn’t you hear Martinez? We need to interview them.”

  She grumbled under her breath and marched to her desk. At this moment, she was so mad at Kurt, she could…could… Well, she wasn’t quite sure what she would do to him, but one thing was for sure—it wouldn’t be pleasant.

  How dare he not believe Austin was innocent? Although a few questions still lingered in her mind, for the most part, she didn’t think he could do it. She’d gotten to know him a little better last night, and he was sweet and caring. Good grief, he was going to actually give her money to help her with rent just so she wouldn’t get evicted, and yet, he hadn’t even known her that well. She hadn’t met anyone with a bigger heart.

  She glanced up to see Willy Tyrone giving her a leery stare. This was a man that most people didn’t want to mess with. He was nice looking—for a body builder. He never admitted that’s what he did off work hours, but how else would he get is body so buff…unless he took steroids, which she seriously doubted. Two week ago, she’d teased him for shaving his head, but now, she rather liked seeing his bald head every day.

  She wished he’d stop looking at her as if she’d done something wrong. Obviously, he was taking Kurt’s side in everything.

  As she typed in the name of the escort service into the computer, her hard keystrokes echoed in the office. Yes, she was upset, and she wanted everyone to know it—especially, Kurt. Several listings popped up, and yet none of them were for Seattle, Washington.

  She drummed her fingers on the desk, trying to think of something else she could do to find Belle’s business, but the only thing going through her mind was Kurt. He was as hardheaded as she was, so how could she convince him Austin should not be a suspect?

  Casually, she glanced his way. He was still nursing his hangover headache. He held his Starbucks cup of coffee close and sipped it from time to time. She didn’t feel sorry for him one bit. Not now!

  The buzz from her cell phone jerked her out of her angry thoughts and she withdrew the cell from her pocket. When she read who had just sent her a text, her heartbeat quickened with excitement.

  I hope you’re having a wonderful day. I’m not, because I’m constantly thinking about you. When can I see you again? Tonight?

  Perhaps she shouldn’t have given Austin her cell number, but she’d had such an incredible evening with him, and since she felt he had done nothing wrong, she went against the rules and gave him her number.

  She smiled wide and texted him back. I’ve been thinking about you, too. I’m free tonight. Are you?

  Within seconds, he sent back a reply. I’ll cancel all my appointments. Nothing will keep me from seeing you.

  Butterflies danced inside her chest, making her feel giddy all over. She didn’t know what to say to him now, but he sent another text only moments later.

  Can I come pick you up this time and make it a real date?

  Her heart dropped. No. She couldn’t allow that! What if he wanted to come inside her apartment? What if he noticed some of the awards she’d received from being on the police force—or those she’d been given while attending the police academy? It wasn’t time to tell him the truth about her identity. No, not yet. I’m not ready for you to see where I live.

  Brittany, I’ll need to know eventually, especially if I need to give your landlord the money to pay your rent. Besides that, I have another surprise for you.

  Groaning, she slunk in her chair. The web of deceit she had begun was growing, and she wanted it to stop. Perhaps she could hide the trophies and awards, and she could also talk to her landlord and explain things about the rent.

  She slowly blew out a heavy breath. Let’s meet somewhere first, and then I’ll take you back to my apartment. After she’d typed it, she gasped. What if he took it the wrong way? Hopefully, he wouldn’t think… Oh, dear. This couldn’t be good.

  He texted back a smiley face. For drinks, maybe?

  Her heart skipped a beat. Yes.

  What time? he texted.



  She paused in thought. They’d have to go someplace that wasn’t private, but then also, someplace where nobody would recognize her. Her mind scrambled for out of the way places. Do you know where Colman Park is?

  Yes. It’s the perfect spot for romance. Lake Washington is very pretty at night.

  How could she have forgotten about that? Well, it was too late to say something different. And really, they were out in the open. What would it hurt? There wasn’t much he could do—seduction wise—out in the open, anyway.

  I’ll see you then. Let’s meet in front of Ellsworth Storey Cottages.

  I can’t wait!

  She smiled and tucked her cell back in her pocket. She couldn’t wait, either.

  As she glanced around the room, she noticed Kurt again. This time, he was watching her. His expression dripped with sadness, and her gut clenched. He couldn’t possibly know who she’d been texting. And yet…if she’d been smiling wide the whole time, Kurt would know. There was no other man in her life.

  Trying to ignore his heart-wrenching sad, puppy-dog eyes, she turned back to her computer to hopefully do more searching for Belle’s Escort Service. Even if she didn’t find anything, she still would pretend to be working. Although she wanted to talk with Kurt, right now was not a good time. She didn’t want anything to ruin her happy mood.


  Austin paced in front of Ellsworth Storey Cottages while waiting for Brittany. Although it wasn’t seven o’clock yet, he was anxious. Perhaps overly so. He glanced across the way, toward the park. There was an exact spot to stand that will allow one to look across the park and see the lake. At this time of night, the sun was just in the right spot, and created such a romantic sunset.