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Prince Charming is a Liar (Your Every Day Hero Book 1) Page 9

  Of course, he’d been too busy these past few years, building up his assets and striving to own more hotels, to take a night off just to enjoy the lovely park. He still didn’t know what it was about Brittany that made him want to take a break from life and just enjoy a woman’s company, but he was anxious to do this with her.

  His cell buzzed, and he held his breath, hoping it wasn’t Brittany canceling their date. Thankfully, it was his friend. “Hey, Derek.”

  “I hope I’m not bothering you.”

  “No. I’m just waiting to meet a woman at the park. Why? What’s up?”

  “Wh-what? You are meeting a woman at the park? That doesn’t sound like the Austin Reeder I know.”

  Austin laughed. “No, it doesn’t, but that’s all right. I felt I was stuck in a rut, and I needed a change.”

  “Well, I’m glad to hear it. I was actually calling about that one woman you asked me about the other day.”


  “Yes, that one.”

  “Have you found out anything about her?”

  “No. That’s why I’m calling. To let you know that everything I’ve tried is a dead end.”

  Austin grinned. “Well, my friend, luck is on my side, because she came back.”

  “She did?”

  “Yes, and that’s who I’m meeting tonight.”

  “Did she tell you how she knows me?”

  Austin shook his head and chuckled. “Yes. She told me the whole story.” As he explained it to his friend, his smile continued to widen. Images of Brittany floated through his mind, making him more anxious. Her beauty was intoxicating, and he wanted to sample her passionate kisses once more. Actually, he wanted to do that last night, but she kept his goodnight kiss simple and brief. Tonight, however, he’d take advantage of the romantic setting.

  “She’s…a friend of Hillary’s?” Derek’s voice wavered.

  “I guess. But Hillary was the one who recommended me.”

  “Hmm… That doesn’t sound right. I didn’t know Hillary had women friends.”

  Austin shrugged. “Apparently, she does.”

  “Do you think Brittany is lying?”

  “Why would she lie?” Austin shook his head. “She was a desperate woman, and that’s exactly how she acted that first afternoon in my suite. No, I don’t think she was lying.”

  “So, you’re really going to help her?”

  “Of course.”

  Derek tsked on the other end of the phone. “My friend, you have always been the kind of guy who helps abandoned animals. I suppose you’ll always be that way.”

  Tilting back his head, Austin belted out a laugh. “I suppose you were being polite just then, right? So why did I take it as an insult.”

  “Take it however you want it. I’ve always known you to help the underdog.”

  “Okay, I’ll take it as a compliment.”

  “Well, I’ll hang up now and let you enjoy your evening. Let me know if you need me to set you up with another woman.”

  Austin relaxed and looked back up the street, hoping to see Brittany’s car. “No, I think I’ll be fine for a while.”

  “Good. Don’t let her take advantage of you.”

  Derek hung up before Austin could reply to his friend’s remark. Why would Brittany take advantage of him? Was it because he offered her money? He’d known people who’d used him to get to his money, but Brittany wasn’t like that. Even when she thought about being a call girl, at least in her mind, she was working for the money.

  So what if Austin liked to help stray animals? Women like Brittany just shouldn’t do that for a living. She had too much going for her, and he wouldn’t let her give up her morals just because she was desperate.

  “Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me where Colman Park is?”

  He turned to look at the sweet voice coming from behind him. Brittany stood with her fingers tucked into the front pocket of her tight jeans, rocking back and forth on the heels of her running shoes. She wore a slightly baggy purple blouse that buttoned down the front and had a small collar. Hanging over her shoulder was a black leather purse. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. He wasn’t sure he liked that. He enjoyed her casual appearance tonight, but he wanted her hair long and flowing over her shoulders, which gave her that sensual look.

  “I didn’t hear you,” he said.

  “I guess I’m pretty good at sneaking up on people.”

  He ran his gaze over her again, feeling almost overdressed. He wore his jeans and running shoes, but his shirt was a lot dressier than hers.

  Austin held out his hand. “Well, shall we stroll through the park?”

  She slipped her palm against his and entwined her fingers with his. “I can’t think of anything I’d like better at the moment.”

  “Me, neither.”

  “How was your day?” she asked. “If I remember correctly, you were supposed to be taking over a new hotel today. Right?”

  He squeezed her hand gently. “You have a good memory. Yes, that was today, and the takeover went smoothly. I’m now the proud owner of the Sheridan Hotel.”


  “And that,” he continued quickly, “brings me to the surprise I have for you.”

  Her gaze stayed on him. He liked how she trusted he wouldn’t lead them into any trees, instead of watching where she was walking.

  “It does? What surprise?” She narrowed her eyes on him, suspiciously.

  “You’d mentioned yesterday that you were out of a job. Well, I’m wondering what kind of experience you have in clerical work.”

  “Um…a little. Why?”

  Her expression still appeared skeptical, so he wouldn’t tease her any longer. “Because I’ll need someone to manage the bookkeeping at the Sheridan. I was hoping you could do that job. I’ll pay you well.” Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened, so he quickly continued, “And, I was thinking, if you need a new place to live, you could live in the penthouse suite in the Sheridan. I plan on renovating those rooms immediately, so the place will be available by the end of the month.”

  She opened her mouth to speak, then closed it…and then opened it again, but still no words came out. Finally, she gave him a grateful smile as tears spiked in her amazing rusty eyes.

  “You’d really do that for me?” she asked in a shaky voice.

  “I would.” He stopped and faced her, taking both of her hands in his. “Last night, you proved to me what a fun and exciting woman you are. You’re intelligent, and beautiful, and…I’ve never met anyone like you. I don’t give jobs and homes to just anyone, you know. I happen to think you’re an amazing woman.” He winked.

  “I’ve never met anyone like you, either, Austin. You are so giving, and you have such a huge heart. What kind of guy helps people in need anymore, without wanting something in return?” She paused. “Um…do you want something in return?”

  “Actually, yes.” He gathered her in his arms. “I’m hoping in exchange for what I’m offering, that you will continue to be my friend and make me laugh.”

  One side of her mouth lifted higher than the other. “What if I only want to be friends? After all, it’s not right to date my boss.”

  He’d not really thought of that, but then, it wasn’t fair of him to expect more. Then she’d be nothing more than a high priced mistress, and he didn’t want her to get that kind of reputation.

  Chuckling, he kissed her on the forehead. “Then I’ll tell you what we can do. What if we date before you take the job, and after you start work we’ll see what happens in our relationship? If we’re only meant to be friends, I’ll accept that.”

  “You’re pretty amazing yourself, you know.” She leaned against him and looked up into his face. “But I think that’s a good idea. We’ll date, but then pull back once I start working for you.”

  He smiled wide. “So you’ll accept the position?”

  “How can I turn it down? It’ll be perfect for me.”

  “And the penthou
se suite? Will you take that?”

  “Well…it’s probably more expensive than my one-bedroom apartment, so maybe I should just stay there. After all, once I get a job, I’ll be able to make rent every month.”

  He stroked her cheek. “You are certainly a hard woman to figure out. Most women I know would have jumped at the chance to live in the penthouse suite.”

  She shrugged. “It’s like you said—I’m not like most women.”

  His heart melted. It had been doing that a lot since meeting her. He dropped his gaze to her mouth. It really wasn’t the time to kiss her, and yet, he just couldn’t resist. Not now. Not after realizing that she really wasn’t after his money. He would have known if she would have accepted the suite with the job.

  “No,” he said in a deep voice, “you’re not like the others, which is why I can’t stop thinking about you.” He swept his lips over hers, and she sighed, relaxing into his embrace. When he finally covered his mouth over hers, she didn’t pull away. Instead, she met his soft kisses, and even when he gradually deepened the kiss, she still responded the way he’d hoped for.

  Her arms were around his waist, and she moved her hands over his back in small circles. His body burned wherever she touched. Although he’d been with many women, none of them excited him the way Brittany was doing now. None of them kissed this good, either. And especially, none of them made his heart melt. The strong burning in his chest was not heartburn, but for sure, his heart was involved with this particular emotion.

  Did he believe in love at first sight? No, however, Brittany was certainly making him think differently.

  Suddenly, he felt her jerk in his arms. Then he heard the slapping of shoes on the pavement as someone started running. Brittany swung around toward the man running away from them. In the stranger’s hand, he carried her purse!

  She cursed and darted after him. Finally, Austin’s hazy mind cleared, and he realized someone was stealing her purse. He muttered a curse and ran after them. Brittany yelled at the man, but of course, he didn’t stop.

  It surprised Austin how fast she was. Of course, the first time he met her, he thought she worked out a lot, but seeing her in action, proved that she was definitely fit. In fact, she was gaining on the purse-snatcher.

  Just inches away from the man, Brittany lunged and landed on him. They fell to the ground, and she maneuvered herself on top of the thief. The man beneath her struggled and belligerent, but Brittany wouldn’t relent so she punched him in the face.

  Once Austin reached them, he stopped. His breaths were coming fast and heavy, reminding him that he needed to start exercising regularly. To have this slip of a woman outrun him was quite humiliating.

  She held down the man’s arms. “Austin, call 911.”

  He fumbled with his phone, still amazed of what he’d just witnessed. As he gave the emergency operator their location, he watched as Brittany expertly handled the thief.

  Austin quickly pocketed his cell, and moved closer to her. “Brittany? Let me take over. I’ll keep him still.”

  “No, I’m good,” she told him over her shoulder.

  Surprisingly enough, she did appear to be handling it well. Her hands were holding the man’s arms, and the way she placed her knees on him, made Austin realize this woman knew what she was doing.


  “Yes.” He stepped closer, still feeling out of place.

  “Will you take my purse from him?”

  “Sure.” Austin bent and pulled her purse out of the man’s hand.

  The thief’s nose was bleeding, and his eye was beginning to swell. He shot daggers at Brittany and muttered cuss words—the kind that only prisoners say. Well, he’d fit right in, wouldn’t he?

  Time seemed to go quickly once the police arrived. They took down Brittany’s and Austin’s information on what happened as they cuffed the guy and threw him into the back seat of the squad car.

  When the police drove off, Brittany bent and wiped off the dirt from her knees. Austin was still at a loss for words, and yet, he wanted to know more. As she rose, he circled his arms around her and gazed deeply into her eyes.

  “Are you all right?”

  She hiccupped a laugh. “Of course I am.” She caressed his trimmed goatee. “Are you?”

  “My sweet woman, I’m not the one who that man attacked…nor was I the one who chased after him.”

  “I know, but…well, I’m still worried about you.” She trailed her fingers along his cheekbone. “You sort of lost color in your face.”

  “Yeah, because I was scared to death you’d get hurt.”

  She shook her head. “So you’re probably wondering why I didn’t get hurt, right?”

  He nodded.

  “Well, a few years ago, I took self-defense classes. When I felt that man snatch my purse, I didn’t think twice in running after him.”

  “Yes, you ran after him quite well.”

  She laughed. “I love running.”

  “I can tell. I can also tell you love taking down the bad guys.”

  Her eyes widened, but within seconds she nodded. “You’re right. I do.”

  He gathered her closer and kissed her moist forehead. “My hero.”

  She laughed again and tilted her head back to look into his eyes. “Now that’s something I’ve never been called before.”

  “I don’t know why. If you go around stopping crimes from happening, you should be called a hero.”

  She bit her bottom lip as her gaze combed over his face slowly. “Do you…um, I mean, would you like a woman who goes around stopping crimes?”

  “I never thought of it, but I suppose I would like it, especially if that woman was you.”

  She heaved a breath and pulled out of his arms. She took her purse and slowly unzipped it. “Austin, there’s something I need to tell you.”

  He wasn’t sure he liked her expression. It wavered between sadness and guilt. His heart dropped. He didn’t think he wanted to hear what she had to say now.


  Brittany couldn’t lie to him anymore. Deep in her heart she knew he hadn’t murdered Hillary Banks. Just because he’d had dealings with her, didn’t make him the criminal. In her mind, he was off her suspects’ list. Kurt would hate her, but she had to go with her gut feeling, and right now, it was telling her to trust Austin.

  She took his hand and led him to the park bench, sitting down first with him next to her. The unease in his gaze worried her. He’d be upset, but she hoped he would understand—and forgive her.

  “Austin, I think we need to talk about something that’s really important.” She stroked her hand slowly across his chest, loving the way his muscles flexed. As she prepared her thoughts carefully, her cell buzzed.

  Inwardly, she groaned. It was probably work. For once she’d like to have an evening all to herself—or to be on a date without having it ruined.

  She pulled out her cell and read the text from Kurt. The autopsy report just came in. Meet me there in fifteen.

  Frowning, she slid the phone back into the pocket of her jeans. Hillary Banks’ autopsy report was important. This would show the detectives exactly what was used to kill the woman. Unfortunately, her talk with Austin must be postponed.

  “Bad news?” he asked after a few moments of silence.

  “Yes, and no.” She released a heavy breath and managed a sympathetic smile. “It kills me that I need to end our date, but I do.” She leaned in and kissed his cheek. She wanted to do more, but if their mouths met together in a passionate kiss now, she’d never meet Kurt on time. “Can I get a raincheck?”

  Austin nodded. “Anytime you want.” He stood and took her hand. “I’ll walk you back to your car.”

  “Ah, my hero.” She winked.

  He laughed and wrapped one arm around her shoulders as they headed back to her car. “Tomorrow, I’m going to be at the Sheridan Hotel most of the day, but if you want to come by to see me, and let me show you around, please drop by and surprise me.”

  She nodded. “I think I will.”

  “Do you know where it is?”

  “If I remember correctly, isn’t it downtown?”

  “Yes, it is.” He kissed her forehead.

  She sighed and wrapped her arms around his waist as they walked. Being with him was so cozy like this. She never wanted it to end. But back in the dark recesses of her mind, she also knew this wasn’t a fairy tale, even if she wanted Austin to be her Prince Charming.

  When they stopped at her car, he cupped her face to give her another kiss, but she kept it short and sweet. Because of the way her whole body melted whenever they were together, she knew if she participated fully in the kiss, she would want to stay in his arms all night.

  “I’ll call you…or drop by the hotel tomorrow,” she said as she climbed into her car.

  He stood and watched her drive away. His energetic smile would be etched in her memory forever.

  When she reached the crime lab, Kurt was just climbing out of his vehicle. He waited until she was parked before he opened the door for her.

  “Hi,” he said in a tight voice.

  “Hi,” she replied. “Thanks for texting me and letting me know. I’m anxious to hear what Conover has found.”

  Kurt nodded. “Conover has been very precise in a lot of his findings. He’s turning out to be a great asset to the precinct. I thought I’d really miss Douglas, but Conover is proving to be just as good.”

  “I agree.” She hurried up the stairs and into the building with Kurt following.

  She hoped he wouldn’t ask about her evening. She didn’t want to lie to him. They still hadn’t talked about their kiss or their confessions the other night. But more than that, she wanted to discuss the reasoning behind his thoughts to why Austin should still be considered a suspect, especially, when she thought completely opposite. Maybe she’d try to get him to talk to her tonight about everything. He didn’t smell as if he’d consumed a whole barrel of beer this time.

  They walked into the medical examiner’s room, and Conover stood over the body. Captain Martinez was here, along with Tyrone, but the others were absent.

  Conover moved to the body and withdrew the sheet. Brittany hated to see dead bodies that had been opened up to examine. Out of everything, this was the thing she hated most.